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Anatomy of the Biliary System - Medical Illustration, Human Anatomy Drawing


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Item #exh61177b-2 — Source #1239

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Anatomy of the Biliary System - Medical Illustration, Human Anatomy Drawing
This stock medical exhibit portrays the anatomy of the biliary system in two illustrations. The first illustration shows all of the contents of the abdomen and the second illustration shows just the biliary system but with adhesions surrounding the gallbladder.

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Linton & Hirshman
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Davis, Bethune & Jones, L.L.C.
Kansas City, MO

"We got a defense verdict yesterday! Your exhibit was extremely helpful in showing the jury how unlikely it is to damage all four of the nerve branches which control the sense of taste."

Karen M. Talbot
Silverman Bernheim & Vogel, P.C.
Philadeplphia, PA

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